Makeup is fun! How to get a new look and become whoever you’ve always dreamed to be! VRoidSTYLE vol.4

Thank you for always using VRoid.
This month’s issue of VRoidSTYLE, a web magazine to support VRoid fashion, is about makeup. On VRoid, you can enjoy all sorts of makeup: from eyeliner-only looks, to vibrant lipsticks, to textures that change the very finish of the model’s skin, to colored contacts. Even a small amount of makeup can change your overall look! In this issue, we’ve featured a wide variety of makeup items and asked the creators for tips on how to create them. This spring, why don’t you try your hand at makeup and give your avatars a charming makeover?
What is “VRoidSTYLE”?
It’s a VRoid fashion support project for fashion creators and lovers. This is a project to support VRoid fashion - introducing creators’ work, conducting interviews, and offering ideas on making fashion, hair, and make-up more fun. A new issue will be available monthly until this spring, both on the official website and in the e-mail newsletter!
It’s all about the eyes! Eyes, eyelashes, and eyeliner
The eyes are a fundamental part of the face and often determine a person’s overall look. Shining eyes, impressive eyelashes, and some neatly drawn eyeliner have the power to instantly catch people’s attention! Are you ready to make a statement with your avatar’s eyes?
Top left: [VRoid] 8 eye textures for
each color - 24 patterns/【VRoid】瞳テクスチャ各色 8 種 -24 パターン
第 Q 地区/しゅりんぷ!
“I created these by combining the artificial design of the eyes with the
fleeting tints created by light. The color palette is inspired by nature
photos like the sky, and the textures are created in Illustrator.”
Top right: [Free] Glittery Soft Eye Texture [VRoid]
“I created this work with the concept of ‘sparkling eyes that can suck
you in’. I used many particle brushes to increase the amount of
information in the process of adding light. I also created a lot of
color variations to customize your avatar even more easily!”
Bottom left: [Free Version Available] Space-inspired eyes -cosmos
eye- (22 types) / VRoid /【無料あり】宇宙 EYE-cosmos eye-(全 22 種) /
“Basically, I’m trying to create plain items that can be used for any
character, regardless of gender or race. I’ve assigned a name to all the
color variations and I’m particular about how I show them to others, so
I really hope you like them!”
Bottom right: [Free Version Available] Glassy Eyes Texture [VRoid]
“I wanted to create an item with a unique feel. In order to make these
textures look even better, I combined the main color with similar shades
and complementary colors. The edges are blurred so that you can enjoy
textures resembling a thickly painted illustration.”
Top left: 16 types | Lash
texture/全 16 種|まつげテクスチャ
“I’m trying to create items that will broaden the range of everyone’s
outfit combinations and help people dive deeper into the theme and charm
of every kind of fashion. I dress my avatars up in clothes that match
the other items and move their expressions around while checking and
adjusting each item as I go.”
Top right: [Free] Natural and Realistic Eyelashes/VRoid Textures -
Regi 24/【無料】ナチュラルでリアルなまつげ/VRoid テクスチャ - 24 番レジ
24 番レジ/軟体動物にょん
“I drew this item realistically while preserving an illustration-like
feel, so that it can be used with any kind of avatar. I think the trick
is to look at a lot of pictures that are close to your ideal while
drawing. I’m happiest when I’m finally satisfied with the result!”
Bottom left: [Free Version Available] False Eyelashes Set [VRoid
Texture] /【無料有】つけまセット【VRoid 用テクスチャ】
TheVPandaStore /panda
“The main feature of this item is that it’s unisex! It looks great in
photos both from the front and from an angle, and I thought of a way to
make it blend in wonderfully with your avatar’s makeup. I’d like to help
everybody enjoy fashion even more!”
Bottom right: Anime-like Eyeliner Texture for
VRoid/VRoid 向けアニ目テクスチャ アイライン
☪Team Aether Shop/☪Team
“When I created this item, VRoid was still mostly used for
realistic-looking avatars. I tried to create a crisp, cell-shaded
design. The concept behind this texture is that any character can look
like they came right out from an anime!”
Longing for glamorous lips and skin?
Everyone wants their lips and skin to look absolutely radiant. Let’s focus on the importance of texture.
Left: [Free Version Available] 10 Types of Glossy Lips and Matte Lips/VRoid Texture
/【無料有】つやリップ・マットリップ各 10 種類/VRoid テクスチャ
24 番レジ /軟体動物にょん
Right: [Free] Lip Highlight Texture for
VRoid/【無料】VRoid 用唇ハイライトテクスチャ
えみん+パレット /Emin
“I have been making pixel-by-pixel adjustments over and over again to
make them look natural even in close-up. I try to create textures that
can be useful to people who can’t draw to create their ideal characters.
I’d love it if people could enjoy makeup as much as they enjoy clothes!”
Left: Soft Skin EX Set
#VRoidFF/ふんわりスキン EX セット #VRoidFF
なると屋 🍥 /なると
“Skin texture has a great influence over the impression that a face
makes, so I tried not to change the look of the eyebrows, eyes, and
mouth too much. I aimed to create a balance so that this item can be
easy to use: it’s cute as it is, or you can add makeup at a later
Right: 《Free Version Available》VRoid Customizable Skin Texture for
Men/《無料版有》VRoid 男性用カスタマイズ肌テクスチャ
North Exit /北ロ
“As with actual makeup, I try to break down the elements so that people
can have fun with different combinations. If I include different color
variations, I end up with dozens of materials, and it is difficult to
create patterns, so recently I have been experimenting with exporting
methods using video editing software.”
Turn on the fun with face stickers!
Face stickers are the latest makeup trend among real-life young girls. Why don’t you try applying stickers, rhinestones, or adhesive bandages to your character’s face to give them that playful, cute look?
Left: [VRoid] Pop Face Stickers [Free Version Available]
“Originally, I started making these because I would see many real girls
applying stickers to their faces or adding them on when editing their
selfies, and I thought it was cute. With these little accents for your
face, fashion is not limited to just clothes.”
Right: [VRoid] 5-Piece Set of Nose Band-Aids [Trial Version
Available] /【Vroid】お鼻の絆創膏 5 点セット【お試し版あり】
水瀬しあのしーるーむ / 水瀬しあ
“It was my first time using VRoid Studio, so it took a lot of trial and
error! I wanted something cute and I tried to make these band-aids
dreamy by adding hearts and color. I’ve also attached some pictures of
how to wear them. I hope many people will enjoy them!”
Try makeup sets for a mood change.
Makeup sets that include textures for each part are perfect to create a sense of unity. Choose according to the look you want to achieve, the character’s colors, and the undertone (yellow-based or blue-based).
Left: Saku*saku VRoid Cosmetics
Selection(sweet)/Saku*saku VRoid コスメセレクション(sweet)
蒼空の下の市場 BOOTH 店/aozora no sita no
“When it came to putting makeup sets on sale, I first decided on the
characteristics they should have (in this case, ‘sweet’) and then
decided on the coloring. The fact that I put together a set for each
makeup type makes it easier for buyers to visualize what they are
looking for, so these sets have been very well received.”
Right: VRoid*Glitter Cosmetic Set
NicorinSHOP / Nicorin
“The eyes, mouth, and other parts of the body were created so that they
will look cute even when their shape changes drastically along with the
character’s expressions. The colors are quite dark, and you can adjust
their opacity to match different skin colors. I also tried to
incorporate real-life trends and color names to make these look like
makeup items.”
★Extra: Pretty Nails are a Must!
As a fashion magazine, we could never forget about nails! Here are some glamorous nails to make your characters fashionable all the way to their fingertips. Enjoy matching them with your avatar’s outfit and makeup to look 100% stylish.
Left: [VRoid/Free/Unisex] Glossy
Simple Nails - 6 Types of Pink
Set/【VRoid/無料/男女兼用】つやつやシンプルネイル ピンク系 6 色セット
ハユル イメージ リミテッド /ハユル
Img Ltd
“The concept of this product was to create a basic item that would fit
in nicely with a variety of outfits. It’s a simple design, but I tried
to appeal to the fashionable mind by making the nails nice and shiny.”
Center: [For VRoid] Tortoiseshell-style
Nails/【Vroid 用】べっ甲風ネイル
磯揚商店 /磯辺アゲ
“I create nail designs based on whether or not I would feel excited
about wearing them myself. While painting them, I check the nails from
different angles and try to make sure that the nails look as pretty as
Right: [Free] Gradation Nails #VRoid/【無料】グラデーションネイル
イゾラボ /槌谷 ISOLA
“I tend to create nail styles that I would want to wear in real life. I
tried thinking about what elements, such as shine and color, would make
me feel good when I actually had my nails done, and focused on realism.”
Reader’s Corner: My #VRoidSTYLE
Express your own #VRoidSTYLE! In this section, we are looking for YOUR photos showing off VRoid fashion items or outfits. Some of them may be featured in this very corner in the future!
Theme: Makeup
We received a lot of creative works! Thank you very much for your participation.
① Item category
Left: [VRoid] Gradation Lips Set 9
colors + a/【VRoid】グラデリップセット 9 色+ a
桃の木屋 /みひろ
Center: [Free] Highlights Collection [for
VRoid]/【無料】ハイライトコレクション【VRoid 用】
Right: [Free Version Available] VRoid Facial Texture [50
types]/【無料有】VRoid 表情テクスチャ【全 50 枚】
そらの創作箱 / 牧村そら
② Makeup category
Left: Check out the original work
Creator: ぱ゛ちゃん
Worn items: ミルクチョコレートコーデセット -
Center: Check out the original work
Creator: 🍒Cereza🌸
Worn items: モード系メンズコート「michi no hajimari」White&Black
Right: Check out the original work
Creator: ひより ☀🐈@日差し屋
Worn items:
【VRoid ヘアプリセット】編み込みと猫耳のヘア - 日差し屋
【VRoid】チェック柄スカート 5 種 - 日差し屋
【VRoid】瞳/アイライン テクスチャ【おまけつき】 - vix
(無料)【VRoid 用】ネックレスセット体型・ワンピース・ロングコート対応【#VroidFF】
VRoid*FREE GIFT Unisex Socks Set - NicorinSHOP
【無料版有】シンプルジップパーカー【VRoid】 - すなどり倉庫
【無料】厚底レースアップシューズ【VRoid】 - すなどり倉庫
Last but not least, the next theme is: My #VRoidSTYLE
The final edition of the special project VRoidSTYLE, that has kept you company from Winter to Spring, is coming up next month! Next time’s theme is none other than… “My #VRoidStyle”! Choose your favorite items and outfits from the past, or you can create something new. We are looking for any fashion-related work that expresses your own style. All the works that have been introduced in this corner so far are also eligible. Are you ready for the ultimate VRoidSTYLE compilation?
How to enter:
・Post a photo on Twitter, VRoid Hub or BOOTH with the hashtag #VRoidSTYLE.
・You may also add the tag to items you have uploaded in the past.
・You can post both your own work and photos created with items by other
・Add credits to your work so that we can introduce the items used in
the photo.
* The number of works to be introduced is limited.
Deadline: March 10 (Wed)
How did you like this edition of VRoidSTYLE?
The last issue is scheduled to be released on March 20th (Sat). Stay
< Works used in the image >
■【VRoid】瞳テクスチャ各色 8 種 -24 パターン-
第 Q 地区/しゅりんぷ!
■【無料】グラデーションネイル #VRoid
イゾラボ /槌谷ISOLA
※The product name was originally translated by the editorial department.