VRoidSTYLE vol.5 - VRoid Street Snapshots & Spring Items to Wear Right Away!

Thank you for always using VRoid.
In this final issue of VRoidSTYLE, a web magazine to support VRoid fashion, we’re featuring two topics! First, in the VRoid Street Snapshots & Interview section, we feature fashionable avatars we've encountered in the virtual space.
Don't miss these fashionistas’ tips on how to create the perfect outfit and take great pictures!
In addition, as the days grow warmer, we're getting into the Spring mood with some cute Spring-themed items to wear right away.
Finally, we're giving even more space to "#My VRoid Style" and to our readers's submissions.
Have fun with VRoid trends and enjoy this issue, packed with our love for fashion!
Mix and match any style you like!

■ Outfit highlights
Left outfit: I got these items in one of my favorite shops! They’re in my favorite color, green, and come with some very nice patterns. Comfy knitwear, comfortable shoes, and a few accessories: this is the kind of fresh green outfit I'd like to wear to a picnic.
Right outfit: A red letterman jacket with pop embellishments is the main item in this casual outfit, which is made up of items in colors that remind me of vintage clothing. The jacket and large shoes give the look a somewhat mischievous feel. I recommend this denim skirt because it goes with so many different outfits and is so easy to use!
■ The idea and process behind the outfit
Every day, I post an outfit based on the birthday color of the day (the color used for the background of the outfit pictures). I select items in colors that match the birthday color, and then decide on a hairstyle that matches the outfit.
■ Tips on how to find nice items and changing clothes in VRoid Studio
I suggest digging through social media websites, BOOTH hashtags like #VRoid, and timelines packed with virtual fashionistas! When I find an item that makes me think "this is it!", I paste the URL to a text channel on Discord or write it down. I recommend doing this on days when your fashion-eye is particularly open.
■ Items in the outfit
【無料 #VRoid】2wayパッチワークスカート - カフェイン同盟
[VRoid]オーバーサイズニット + タータンチェックスカートコーデセット - #vear_clothes
(無料)【VRoid用】ネックレスセット 体型・ワンピース・ロングコート対応【#VroidFF】- なお屋 [Nao-ya]
[VRoid]クルーソックス7色セット - #vear_clothes
【無料版あり】カラーハイカットシューズ - 五月雨服庫
【 #VRoid】スタジャン - 全裸教団総本山
VRoid*フロントボタンデニムスカートセット - NicorinSHOP
VRoid*FREE GIFT Unisex Socks Set - NicorinSHOP
VRoid向け水着テクスチャセット (星柄TシャツVer.) - STAMPNOVA
無償あり/普通のくつ-バッシュ- - nyasyamorina
A bit of darkness can be cute too!

Creator: チル・ミチル
■ Outfit highlights
Left outfit: I paired a Chinese dress with an apron and overknee boots to evoke the image of a "Chinatown waitress". What's special about this outfit is that the combination is a little different from the one the store owner had put together. ♪
Right outfit: Dear My Love's gorgeous dress was paired with doll-like tights and a heart-braided hair set that further enhanced the atmosphere. (It's arranged in a hime cut!)
■ The idea and process behind the outfit
I put together my outfits based on the new arrivals that I like... I’m often inspired by the season or an event. I look for shoes and accessories to match the main piece, and I think carefully about makeup and hair arrangements.
■ Tips on how to find nice items and changing clothes in VRoid Studio
Combining clothes and accessories from different brands will make your avatars oh-so-original! Depending on the rules of each item, I also recommend reusing accessories from a certain set for different outfits. It's also fun to make clothes look even cuter through photography and post-processing.
■ Items in the outfit
【無料版あり】チャイナアリスエプロンドレス - 五月雨服庫
【VRoid】レースアップニーハイブーツ【テクスチャ】 - MURASAKI-Kohcha's SHOP
【Vroid】第2弾ワンピースのみ(チェック柄ブラック)【テクスチャ】 - DearMyLove feat.夢展望
【Vroid】第2弾ベルトのみ(ホワイト)【テクスチャ】 - DearMyLove feat.夢展望
【無料版あり】ドールシスターコーデ【#VRoidFF】 - 五月雨服庫
ハート編み込みヘアメ【VRoidヘアプリセット】 - caprice
Sweet outfits for two twin sisters!

Creator: しゆき / *Milky Kitty*
■ Outfit highlights
Left outfit: I was inspired by the idea of a cute outfit for going out for a walk. The dress itself is very sweet looking, so I tried to keep the accessories modest to give it an "everyday fashion" feel.
Right outfit: I chose an elegant and cute dress to match the girl's hairstyle. I made the ribbons on the head myself in the same color as the dress to make it look even prettier.
■ The idea and process behind the outfit
Miku (on the left) and Gohan (on the right) are sisters and good friends, so I always buy clothes that come in both warm and cool colors so that they can wear them as twins.
■ Tips on how to find nice items and changing clothes in VRoid Studio
My avatars often wear dresses with a lot of frills and ribbons, but they tend to make the face area look somewhat underwhelming against the outfit, so I make my own accessories in the same color as the outfit and match them. I think just one ribbon on the head can make the whole look even more adorable!
■ Items in the outfit
※無料版あり※グレンチェックワンピース - Parfum
※無料版あり※グレンチェックワンピース ミントショコラ - Parfum
無地×花柄セット|ミレアワンピース2019 - アトリエミレア
It-girl outfits that catch the eye on the street

Creator: 藤林檎 / ringo farmer
■ Outfit highlights
Left outfit: I wanted to wear a single piece of knitwear in multiple ways, so I matched a pink knit cardigan with various outfits I had on hand and found that it was perfect. I paired it with distressed jeans and black shoes with thick soles to create a girly look!
Right outfit: I created this outfit from a T-shirt! The top and skirt are both dark, so I used colorful shoes as an accent. A choker looks great on clothes with an open neck, so that's another highlight of this outfit!
■ The idea and process behind the outfit
First, I decide on one single item that I want to wear today. Then I look for items that go with it, try them on, and when I feel comfortable with them, I'm done! That's how I always put together my outfits.
■ Tips on how to find nice items and changing clothes in VRoid Studio
All of the items you make are wonderful, so I think it's important for the wearer to have the determination to wear the clothes they like! I also recommend that you sort your clothes into folders by type (e.g. hoodies) to make it easier for you to switch things up.
■ Items in the outfit
ふわり かーでぃがん【VRoid無料】 - ハルノキ屋
VRoid ロンパースセット - ぴこっぷ
【無料版有】ハードダメージデニム【VRoid】 - すなどり倉庫
【VRoid用】(無料お試し版有)ゴシックメイド風ミニスカワンピース6色セット - ここなふぁくとりー
【¥0】VRoid用チョーカー - 小町屋
【Vroid】ワクワクペイントコーデ - ワンダホの店(wonderfulp store)
【無料】デニムスカート(プリーツ/タイト)【VRoid】 - すなどり倉庫
【VRoid】ヘアプリセット・悪役JK【ついんてえる】 - TWINTALE
[VRoid] ドール風瞳テクスチャ - Ysd03
A simple outfit brings out the silhouette of the clothes

Creator: muuc. (ムック) / muuc. web shop
■ Outfit highlights
Left outfit: This is an autumnal piece, and the red and beige colors give it a seasonal feel. The trousers are just above the ankle, so you can see the socks.
Right outfit: The chic tone of the rose pattern is understated, and the black loafers tighten the vibe while the gaucho pants loosen it up.
■ The idea and process behind the outfit
I choose a shooting spot with portrait photography in mind, and think about how I would dress if I were to go to that spot for fun. I think about the background as well, so I try to create a natural look that blends in with the location.
■ Tips on how to find nice items and changing clothes in VRoid Studio
You can follow people who introduce VRoid fashion on Twitter, and if you find clothes you like, you can follow the store as well.
■ Items in the outfit
【VRoid Clothes】FRILL-NECK KNITWEAR - muuc. web shop
【無料】シンプルなクロップドパンツ【#VRoid】 - ぶりはまち(VR) - BOOTH
[VRoid]薔薇柄ビッグシルエットTシャツ - #vear_clothes
【無料版あり】サッカー生地ガウチョ - 蒼空の下の市場 BOOTH店/aozora no sita no sijou
Men’s fashion with a playful heart

■ Outfit highlights
Left outfit: At this time of year, I was working on a hip-hop theme for my outfits. I wore a black base with an oversized silhouette that didn't show the lines of the body, and also wore the hat backwards, trying to look like a rapper.
Right outfit: I was looking for a hip-hop outfit with both dark and vivid colors, and I came across this one. I also chose stylish cat ear headphones because it was February 22nd, "Cat Day".
■ The idea and process behind the outfit
I do live streams, so I have to change my clothes almost every day and look for outfits that my viewers will like. Recently, I've been wearing a certain theme for about 10 days. Like school-themed outfits, for example!
■ Tips on how to find nice items and changing clothes in VRoid Studio
Since there are fewer men's clothes than women's, I always check BOOTH for new items when they come out. The trick to changing clothes is to decide on the main color based on the outfit top and a second color to add, since many clothing stores offer a variety of shades.
■ Items in the outfit
Left: 夏フェスセット - ionantha
【VRoid texture】グラデジャケットonパーカー(おまけパーカー付)【OYASUMI】 - OYASUMI
【無料版有】ラインパンツ【VRoid】 - 酒夫意商会
VRoid用テクスチャ【プリズムスニーカー】 - バーチャルアパレル【BBN】
Must-wears of this season! Spring items
For a quick spring look, you can't go wrong with cute floral or lush fruit patterns. Eye-catching and a little bit flamboyant? Then it’s just right!

Top left: Flower Chiffon Dress (VRoid costume) / フラワーシフォンドレス(VRoid用衣装)
“All clothes use dress presets, so I had to be careful not to create boring designs. For this costume, I used an off-the-shoulder style to give it a different shape, so that people can enjoy the fluffiness of the chiffon fabric and the lively flowers.”
Top right: Belted scallop dress Retro Flower Pattern 2021 SET
“This is a series of clothes made to look a little retro and quirky, like something you would find in a second-hand store, and this time I've added more trendy colors. The scalloped collar, cuffs, and hem are one of the highlights.”
Bottom left: (VRoid Texture) Patterned Dress (Roses/Muffins/Strawberries) /《VRoid用テクスチャ》柄ものワンピース(薔薇/マフィン/いちご)
“In creating my works, I am currently focusing on everyday clothing. In this piece, I made three patterns that can be worn in various ways and layered. Choose your favorite pattern and enjoy mixing and matching it in many different ways!”
Bottom right: [Free Version Available] Lemon Dress for VRoid /【無料版あり】レモンワンピース/Vroid用
“The color is that of lemons, but I tried to make it light and fluffy. The shoulder straps are slightly curved to fit the body. I hope this dress will brighten your mood, even if only a little.”
Give these lightweight, sheer items a try!
Using lace or sheer materials to show a little bit of skin can be quite elegant and make your outfit even more stylish.

Left: [Free Version] Total Lace Dress & Lace Sandal Set /【無料版有】総レースワンピース&レースサンダルセット
“The concept of this dress is to bring Spring glamour to everyday life! Enjoy this elegant and classical full-lace outfit.”
Center: [Explanation Video Included] Translucent Flower and Grass Embroidery Dress and Shoes Set | #Vroid /【解説動画あり】半透明の草花刺繍ワンピース・靴セット | #Vroid
“I try not to cram too many elements into a single outfit, but rather compose it in a way that accentuates the characteristics of the theme I initially decided on. This time, I focused on sheer textures. Plant embroidery patterns are common in sheer clothes and can be worn around Summer. I try to make sure to balance the sexiness level of these clothes since they tend to show a bit of skin.”
Right: [#VRoid] Lace Scalloped Outfit Set /【#VRoid】レーススカラップコーデセット
“I like to combine different materials, so I create textures while thinking about how I can incorporate the feeling of materials in my clothes. This design is based on an outfit I had in mind for an illustration. I like the combination of the heavy fabric of the dress and the dotted lace at the hem.”
Pastel wonderland
Refreshing pastel colors are a must for this season! This year, pale tones with a hint of white seem to be all the rage.

Left: Pastel Ribbon Pumps [For VRoid] /【VRoid用】パステルリボンパンプス
Pastel Tone Music/ruha
“I wanted to make a simple yet cute item that would be easy to use... I even designed the soles of the shoes with this in mind! I hope you will enjoy wearing these with a variety of outfits!”
Center: [Free] Starry off-shoulder dress /【無償あり】お星さまオフショルワンピース【リアルルック用】
ちるのおみせ/惑星ちる[マドボシ チル]
“VRoid clothing has no limitations in terms of materials or physical parts, so I try to create a good balance between fantasy and real clothes. This dress is simple, so I tried to bring out its uniqueness in the color combination and texture.”
Right: Refreshing Blouse Skirt Set [Texture for VRoid] PSD version available / さわやかブラウススカートセット 【VRoid用テクスチャ】PSD版あり
“I try to make simple, feminine clothes with simple decorations, like those found in real-life clothing stores. For reference, I look at the online stores of my favorite brands to gather inspiration. I find it easier to come up with ideas and have fun making clothes that I would actually want to wear.”

The theme of the last readers' corner is: My #VRoidSTYLE
This time, we browsed through all works that were submitted to this corner so far and picked those that made everyone's individuality shine through the most. Check it out!

Left: [For VRoid] cyberpunk set -cyberpunkset- [texture] /【VRoid用】サイバーパンクセット ‐cyberpunkset‐【テクスチャ】
Center: Free Version Available VRoid Apple Jumperskirt Texture / 無料版有 VRoid りんごのジャンパースカートテクスチャ
Right: Steampunk Suit / スチームパンク風スーツ
かこい亭/ 鮫月かこい@さっきゅん栫

Left: [Free Version Available] Knit & Frilled Shirt Set [VRoid Costume] /【無料版あり】ニット&フリルシャツセット【VRoid衣装】
Center: [VRoid Hair] ribbon princess cut hairstyle preset /【VRoid 髪型 Hair】リボン 姫カット 髪型プリセット ribbon hair preset
kupopo's shop/Serena
[VRoid] Roomwear set (7 pcs.) / [VRoid] ルームウェア 7点セット(Room wear set)
PRINCESS of skeleton gray/とーる

左:Kawaii Strawberry Dress
Atelier Mahoulotl/KirkeTris
中央:[VRoid] Pastel Pop Outfit
musiculia /musiculia
右:薔薇ストライプノースリーブワンピース/Rose and Stripes Pattern Sleeveless Dress[VRoid]
#バーチャルの国のアリス/ 友乃ろこ子/Rokoko Tomono

Left: Check out the original work
Creator: NNNS_ナナナセ
Worn items: 【Vroid】寧々・春装セット無料配布【電気人間】 - 電気人間工業
Center: Check out the original work
Creator: 千歳ゆうり@うたたね書店
Worn items: オフタートルケーブルニット-スヌード風チェスターコート付【VRoid用衣装テクスチャ】/ Cowl Neck Cable Knit-Snood Style Chester Coat【Costume texture for VRoid】 - 39studio
Right: Check out the original work
Creator: ふんふんぶつつ
Worn items:
【VRoid用】ごちゃまぜテクスチャセット~肌目アイライン顔髪etc~PSDデータ付き - ふんふんぶつつ

Left: Check out the original work
Creator: KurahA(クラハ)
Worn items:
【VRoid】秋冬のマフラー24種【セルルック対応】 - ワンダホの店(wonderfulp store)
【VRoid】もこもこしたわんぴーす - はむこさんの家
チュールスカート - 二晩星堂
【VRoid用】タイツ&ニーソックスセット - プロメ亭
【VRoid用】シンプルハイカットシューズ6色セット - ここなふぁくとりー
Center: Check out the original work
Creator: ちよろずふみな
Worn items:
VRoid用【桜と無地のカーディガン&トップス】6色セット ver2. - 猫面飾屋
VRoid用_【ベルト付け替え可!ジーンズ ②】2色,3種類セット
Right: Check out the original work
Creator: タケト弐式
Worn items:
【無料版あり】ニットカーディガンコーデセット - 五月雨服庫
【Vroid】リボンパンプス全4種【女性】 - 空色雪花
【無料】グラデーションネイル #VRoid - イゾラボ

Left: Check out the original work
Creator: aemeth
Worn items:
VRoid | ナイロンテープスカート #VRoidFF - kowareul
VRoid | ケープコート #NEOKET
Center: Check out the original work
Creator: ✞夏川あき✞
Worn items:【無料版有】ローゲージニット【VRoid】 - すなどり倉庫
Right: Check out the original work
Creator: 左中間ぬける
Worn items: 【VRoid】ヘアプリセット くせっ毛ショート - マゼンタ工房

Left: Check out the original work
Creator: 廿楽 逢夢
Worn items:
【無料版有】コーチジャケット【VRoid】 - すなどり倉庫
【VRoid用テクスチャ】破けストッキング - 逢夢Artifact
【VRoidテクスチャ】 女性用制服(ズボン)用ホットパンツテクスチャ【全四色】 - 破断torque
【VRoid用】ハイカットスニーカーVol.1 - Miketsubaのお店
【VRoid/無料/男女兼用】つやつやシンプルネイル ピンク系6色セット - ハユル イメージ リミテッド
Center: Check out the original work
Creator: めう。
Worn items: [vroid]めう。式チャイナ服 - ほわほわ製菓
Right: Check out the original work
Creator: 楓堂てん
Worn items:
【男性VRoid向け】レザージャケット【試着あり】 - Dust en
【無料】パフスリーブブラウスセット【VRoidテクスチャ】 - sakumyu
【無償版あり】VRoid冬のおそろいコーデセット - piriod
桜バングルセット- Minuet_Doll (FANBOX)
Thank you for reading us! See you on #VRoidSTYLE
This is the final edition of the special project VRoidSTYLE, which has kept you company from Winter to Spring. I, the editor in chief "K", would like to borrow this space to say a few words.
This project started with the idea of supporting the "style" of people who love virtual fashion, and providing them with an opportunity to create new ways to enjoy it and have fun with it.
This project would not have been possible without the efforts of everyone involved in virtual fashion. I would like to express my gratitude to the many creators who participated and cooperated in this project by introducing their works, agreeing to interviews, and submitting entries to the readers' corner. Thank you very much! As a VRoid user, I am very happy that we were able to work together to create this magazine.
As I curate the items and write the text, I am constantly impressed by your ideas and enthusiasm, which makes me even more excited about the future of virtual fashion. Every day, I can’t wait to see the beautiful trends of tomorrow!
Please let us know what you think of this project and what you would like to know or do in the future via Twitter (with the hashtag #VRoidSTYLE) or by filling out this form (and subscribe to our newsletter!). All of us on the development team will use your feedback as a reference for future projects!
Also, I’d like to share a little secret with those of you who have been following along so far... VRoid is preparing something new and exciting for this Summer! Could it be...? Is creating on VRoid going to become even more fun...?
VRoid will continue to support VRoid fashion creators and lovers. Thank you very much for reading VRoidSTYLE vol.5 to the end. See you soon!
★Back Issues★

VRoidSTYLE vol.4 - Makeup is fun! How to get a new look and become whoever you’ve always dreamed to be!

VRoidSTYLE vol.3 - Interviewing 5 VRoid Fashion Brands

VRoidSTYLE vol.2 - Hair Catalog for a Cuteness Boost! & Tips and Tricks to Create Hair Items

Introducing the new VRoid fashion project: VRoidSTYLE!
※The product name was originally translated by the editorial department.